Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A natural alternative

Having grown to lose faith in conventional remedies and medicines I began a journey looking for new ways to aid health and various conditions naturally. I was diagnosed with gallstones at the age of 30 and suffered greatly with various attacks and cramps, which limited my capabilities as both a parent and a student. I decided to retake the second year of my degree, in osteopathy, as I would rather be great than just scrape through.

Before the academic year began I was told about aloe vera gel. Now I had seen this in various health food shops but hadn't thought about it as its not been published as something that has a great deal of benefits. The gel I was told about was far different to what shops sell, so I tried it. To this day I have had no severe attacks, I have got my energy back and sleep peacefully. I could reel off a list of things it has done for me but you would have to see for yourself.

After this I became a distributor for both aloe and beehive products and have helped a number of people find relief for their embarrassing or painful conditions.

This blog has been set up to discuss the products I have either used or have had great testimonials from. All products are available online via my store or if you wish to take advantage of any offers I recommend you join me on my facebook page!

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