Saturday, February 28, 2015

Simple tweaks to help your health!

Sometimes as a health consultant it can get frustrating. People all around are allowing their health to be compromised in the name of fashions and trends without fully researching the outcomes and risks of these. Prime example of bad trend setters are newspapers. If you are as old as I am you may recall the articles stating that eggs are good for you, less than a decade later they became cancerous foods. So how can you know what to eat based on these contradictions?

As we all know our body is comprised of multiple systems, each of these systems contains organs. In turn each of these organs has a specific role in the body to maintain homeostatic function.

The main elements of homeostatic function are: pH, Metabolism (inclusive of excretory functions), Temperature and most importantly Immune Responses.

The systems controlling these are ALL of them!! Every system works in conjunction with the others to maintain this balance.

Now as this is a pretty in depth subject I will leave you to do your own homework on this but here are a few simple tweaks to help and encourage your systems to function better.

Replacing table/sea salt with Himalayan salts

Minerals!! Iodine is a necessity for Thyroid function. The Thyroid (nice endocrine gland at the front of your lower throat) is responsible for metabolic processes. Give this love and it will in turn love you back.

Replacing processed sugars for unrefined sugars or honey.
Digestion, insulin sensitivity and prevention of diabetes type 2 (DM2). How you ask? Because it requires you to digest in order to release the required carbohydrates rather than causing insulin spikes and a cellular reduction of insulin sensitivity (leading to DM2). Even better method is to limit or cut these out but not expecting that from anyone.

Drinking water first thing in the morning.
Get that digestive system moving!! Too many rely on directic drinks and consider these to be enough with regards to fluid intake. Look up the term diuretic and see why its so far off the mark its untrue. Lack of fluid intake leads to constipation, reduced peristaltic movement, kidney stone formation and obviously dehydration. The symptoms of dehydration are numerous but if you are in a bad mood frequently or get headaches a lot, get on the water and keep at it, your body needs time to adjust but you will feel the differences. As well as looking younger and healthier overall.

These are only three of many tricks but depending on your systemic health there are ways and means to nourish and balance out the functions of the organs involved.

Look up:
Lemon juice in warm water
Organic Apple cider Vinegar
Aloe Vera Juice
Milk Thistle

Want to improve your mindset, appearance and health? A change is as good as a rest!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

My personal choices...

When I speak with people about the benefits of the products I post many ask which of these I personally use. Having worked with Forever for over a year now I've been lucky to try out a vast range of what they have to offer in health, wellness and beauty products. To highlight what of the products are in my house and which I use I will go from the ones I use daily to those I use less often with the reasons why I use them!

Forever Freedom:
I have had numerous issues with my knee cartilage and meniscal tears from a young age, and now have severe osteoarthritis in my left knee. Sadly the NHS haven't been much help as they refused to operate on the initial injury and as a result the condition has worsened through further injury. During weather changes (most prominently winter to spring or summer to autumn) my knees begin to get sore. Thankfully with this I don't get that problem. I suggested this to a good friend with back problems and saw the benefits first hand so tried it as I used to drink the Aloe Gel for gut health (I have gallstones), since then I haven't looked back.

Forever Active HA:
This contains hyaluronic acid, turmeric and ginger oil. Hyaluronic acid is fab for connective tissues, such as skin, lungs, veins, joints, pretty much anything in your body so I thought I would give this a spin to help with my joints. Turmeric is one of the most awesome herbs out there and has soooo many healing properties especially anti inflammatory but there's too many to list so fee free to Google it! Ginger oil is amazing for digestive health, and if you love your gut it loves you right back. So anyway been taking this for over a month, now thankfully with the Freedom my knees have improved massively so in other aspects I have noticed my skin clearing up, I look younger (at 32 this makes me happ-ay!) and my breathing has eased. I write the breathing part on the basis of me being mildly asthmatic and autumn usually being a tricky time.

Avocado Face and Body Soap:
This one's my sink washing soap so its used all the time, doesn't dry your skin out yet doesn't leave a slimy mess like other 'moisturising' soaps do. Its not overly strong in aroma but fresh enough to wake you up!

Forever Bright Toothgel (omg cannot believe I missed this and the deo out!!):
Flouride free and my gums have never been happier. Your teeth feel clean all day long even if you are an avid coffee guzzler likemyself.

Aloe Ever-Shield:
Aluminium free deodorant. As I walk to uni daily (an hour each way) I don't want to get there and stick of raw onions, espcially as I have to strip off a lot for osteo technique practice.
I tried so many different deo's but the only one which has worked is this, also great if you like going dancing a lot - like myself!

Aloe Lips:
This lives in my bags, its goes everywhere with me. Good for all ailments skin related and fab for cracked lips in winter. I hate those!

Aloe Face and hand Soap:Might say face and hand but this is my shower gel, my shaving cream and my bubble bath! No actual soap in it so its great for lady parts AND if you put it in the bath you can actually see it the water clean up no matter how dirty you are when you get in, bit weird but very cool!!

Sonya Aloe Nourishing Serum:
By far the most luxurious moisturiser I have ever used. Creates a lovely smooth surface which is a great base for make up and leaves your skin feeling firm but soft. Even better thing is you don't need a lot so one bottle last a really long time, as with most of the products, but this one is special!

Aloe Vera Gelly:
This gets used every so often normally when I find a spot, a cut or any blemish on my skin. Is also good as a skin tightener so for a quick face-lift before going out this under the Serum take a year or two off ;)

Aloe-Jojoba Shampoo:
Used two to three times a week. This shampoo deep cleans your hair without drying it out. If you are used to using silicone based products you will notice your hair change within two weeks, the hair itself becomes stronger and less fly away. I personally have very long hair and bleach it frequently but have had fellow bottle blondes comment on the condition of my hair compared to theirs.

Aloe Propolis Creme:
I get dry skin on my feet, quite badly sometimes so this gets applied at least twice a week to soften my skin, works a treat! I used to get contact dermatitis, normally when stressed, this was a god send for that but thankfully the HA seems to have that under control.

Aloe Heat Lotion:
This is wicked for when I forget to stretch properly after a heavy work out. Also good for coughs, colds, and sleep. Yes, sleep. A bit of this on the soles of your feet and you will be surprised how easily you drift off. You can thank me later.

Argi +:
This is another connective tissue hero, I use this about once a week to support myself with my fitness regime. This products is fab for all connective tissues, particularly muscles and ligaments and contains a number of additional antioxidants and vitamins in natural form so your body CAN actually assimilate them, unlike most over the counter supplements.

Aloe Vera Gel drink:
This isn't for me per say but my dogs. Not the nicest tasting but if you knew me personally you would know how healthy my pups are! They lap it up in their water once a week to balance immune function and gut health.

Aloe Body Toning wrap:
This is used before I go out hahaha! It takes off the excess water around the selected areas, squeezes the juice out of the dermal lipid cells and leaves your skin feeling soft as hell. Its a cheeky quick fix trick but if used frequently with other digestive health products the results over a month are astonishing!

Clean 9 (vanilla):
This is a seasonal product I use to balance my digestive health, improve my metabolism dn drop a couple of pounds/inches while doing so. Fab product though only for those who are committed to their health and wellness.

Not going to bother listing the make up items as they are self explanatory!

ALL of the products listed here (well anything from Forever Living) has a 60 day money back guarantee, as well as my full support and great sense of humour. You don't get that in the high street! Get in touch now to find out how you could trial any of our products today! 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Aloe berry nectar testimonial for equine laminitis!

Another great testimonial from our clients!
We have a 35 year-old grey pony called William who was retired when we first had him
five years ago.
Previously he had several bad bouts of laminitis and until this summer we managed to
prevent it happening again by conventional methods. He could hardly walk and I could tell
that he was in a lot of pain.
We kept him in for a week and his condition improved slightly but not enough. I knew
about the Forever Living Products Aloe Vera range so we put him on 50 mls each day of
Aloe Berry Nectar Drinking Gel (he likes sweet things).
Within 4 weeks we saw a huge improvement. This pony had always been conservative in
his efforts, which I had put down to old age, but now when my daughter rides him on lead
rein, I am the one being pulled along!
He will be on Forever Living Products Aloe Vera Drinking Gel for the rest of his days.
Georgie Adams
If you buy direct you can get 5 litres for the price of four!! Order now to save money on your horses' needs or see my store for more options!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Animals and aloe...

If aloe is so good for us humans what about our pets? Forever has various veterinary products but some of our standard products can be used to treat conditions on animals too!

Aloe Vera gel drink is used in stables across the UK to benefits horses who are prone to colic, this is particularly prevalent in spring with the abundance of fresh green grass!
Aloe Gelly and Aloe Propolis creme are fantastic for mud fever in the autumn months.

All of these products are also great for dogs with skin and gut issues.

So not only can you help yourself by using these natural products you can help your furries!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Fibromyalgia and Bipolar

This has to be my favourite testimonial on Forever's products so far!

Received from Ellie Morgan.

I have suffered with bi polar (looking back) all of my life, but got diagnosed when i was 21, have tried all sorts of medication to try and level me out and when i found the "one" that worked it made me numb to feelings and life and made me put on 8 stone in weight. the dosage had to be upped every 6 months or so as i became immune to the dose. suffering with pain and other symptoms since i was 17, it wasn't till i was 22 i was then diagnosed with fibromyalgia and because i was on bi polar medication the only other thing they could give me was strong pain killers (co codamol ).so for 3 years i wasn't living i was surviving, rarely left the house and when i did i would never go alone, as i would panic and couldn't carry things which made the depression side even worse, any friends i had didn't bother with me any more and was in a very lonely place, a month before i started taking the products (aloe gel, arctic sea and bee pollen) i had occupational therapy round my house kitting me out with things like a kettle tipper because the pain in my wrists meant I couldn’t hold or lift things, sometimes even reading the paper or writing a letter was hard. also things to help me get in and out of the bath and seats so i could do things like ironing and washing up, i was just waiting for them to put hand rails in as I had trouble getting up and down the stairs ( remembering im only 26) ,my ankles would just give way, which meant I walked with a stick , i then got a call from a friend (Chelle Lavery) a friend from years ago, asking did i want to come and see about the business with her, and to be honest i don't no why i went, my mouth just said yea, at the meeting Bernie Allen talked about these products and how they helped her, i thought im gonna get the box just to try the products and did and with a week i noticed a difference with my pain, with the co-codamol i was very constipated and was able to go to the toilet again, and unless you have suffered with constipation i think its hard to understand the (excuse the pun ) relief to be able to go, i actually ran out of my arctic sea for a week and a half and my pain came back so ill definitely not be with out them any more, i now take the royal jelly which helps with my panic attacks and depression, i could write a long list of the products i take now ranging from 30-35 of them but the ones mentioned are the most important for me, oh and the fab for energy boost love it, since i joined in December i have lost 2 stone and am looking forward to losing more. i can now go out on my own, with out the aid of the stick, talk to people, enjoy doing events for my business, now living life i can see a future, so to all this i owe firstly Chelle Lavery my sponsor and the best company out there: FOREVER!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Beat the flu!!

I'm a little bogged down with a cold/flu type thing but thankfully nowhere near as bad as those around me! Fully dosed up on Aloe Gel and smothered in Aloe Heat lotion keeping myself busy getting ready for March. 

I won't be around much during that month but will gladly post the promotions and an exclusive Clean 9 prize draw - you heard it here first! Details of how to enter will be posted on Facebook so like my page to be in with a chance!!

Getting lots of views but not much conversation so I'd like to do a poll!!

Favourite method of dealing with seasonal illness?

Natural remedies (aloe, honey, lemon etc) OR pharmaceutical (lemsip, neurofen, night nurse)??

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Personal use...

Personal Use Products.

So as much as I'm harping on about the benefits of the products I advocate which of them (other than the Clean 9) do I use?
Well when I began my journey as a distributor for Forever I purchased the New Distributor Pack (NDP). This included the Aloe Gel Drink, Aloe Berry Nectar drink, Aloe Jojoba Shampoo, Aloe Jojoba Conditioner, Aloe tooth gel, Aloe deodorant, two supplements (bee pollen and fish oils), Aloe Propolis creme, Aloe Moisturiser, Aloe Gelly, Aloe Heat Lotion, Aloe lips, Aloe Scrub, Aloe Hand Sanitizer and Face and hand soap.

I have already mentioned the Aloe Gel drinks, bee pollen (Clean 9 post) and Aloe Propolis but what of the rest?

  • The Aloe Jojoba shampoo and conditioner are without parabens and silicone so at first felt odd, but as the silicone from previous brands was removed my hair felt fantastic! Not the cheapest shampoo available but with regards to hair care I highly recommend this. You don't need a lot of either so it lasts a good while!!
  • I hate fluoride toothpaste!! I have tried various brands previously but had no idea about this one being available. This Aloe toothgel is great!! My teeth felt smooth all day long! My gum health improved and I felt even better knowing it was free from fluoride!! Really love this product!!
  • Aloe deodorant is without aluminium salts, another pet hate of mine. Commercially sold aluminium free deodorants are pretty steeply priced so in comparison this is well worth the money! I walk for an hour to college during the week and I got severely paranoid about the sweat! This deals with it all! I can honestly say even after the hour walk home I get back and don't reek of raw onions as I have done with standard aluminium based brands.
  • I use the face and hand liquid soap in the shower and the bath. It uses the aloe's saponin to gently clean the skin, rather than harsh chemical soaps which can aggravate ladies' areas - this doesn't so is great for those who are prone to BV and the like. The soap is moisturising too so you don't finish off feeling dry and tight! I use this as a bubble bath and always love watching it clear the dirty water. Sounds odd but its great when you see it for yourself!
  • The Aloe Moisturiser lotion is balanced and non oily so is perfect for my skin type. It contains collagen and elastin which keep my skin feeling firm and the aloe's properties nourish my skin. Despite Forever selling various anti ageing products I will be happy to stick with this one for my daily use!
  • Aloe Gelly is a must have for the first aid kit, it's aloe gelly in its purest form and works well for various issues. Burns, bites, cuts, grazes, acne and so on. I sometimes coat my face with this as I am prone to premenstrual acne.
  • Aloe Heat Lotion is the natural way to help sore muscles. Much like Deep Heat treatments but with the lignin it transports the heating oils deeper rather than just superficially. I have used this for chesty coughs and headaches as well as having given my bottle to friends for those purposes! Its a great all-round bottle of heat lotion so always keep a supply ready - especially for winter times!
  • Aloe Lips is known as the 'Mighty Midget' of our personal use products. Its basically a small handy pack you can use for keeping your mouth soft as well as treating burns stings etc. There is rumour that it treats cold sores effectively too but I can't personally recommend it for that.
  • Aloe scrub, like the other products, is rich and you do not need a lot for your skin care routine. It contains jojoba and leaves your skin feeling lovely afterwards. A definite for my personal skin care collection and highly recommended due to the lack of parabens and harsh chemicals!!
  • The Aloe Hand sanitizer is perfect for medical students like myself. I keep mine in my medical kit! This means I can use it between treatments and avoid any contamination! 
I have trial packs of these products for people to try out no obligation! If you live near me and would like to sample my trial pack for two nights get in touch now!!

All of these products including out personal use product pack (PUPP) are available in my online store!!