Sunday, February 23, 2014

Animals and aloe...

If aloe is so good for us humans what about our pets? Forever has various veterinary products but some of our standard products can be used to treat conditions on animals too!

Aloe Vera gel drink is used in stables across the UK to benefits horses who are prone to colic, this is particularly prevalent in spring with the abundance of fresh green grass!
Aloe Gelly and Aloe Propolis creme are fantastic for mud fever in the autumn months.

All of these products are also great for dogs with skin and gut issues.

So not only can you help yourself by using these natural products you can help your furries!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Fibromyalgia and Bipolar

This has to be my favourite testimonial on Forever's products so far!

Received from Ellie Morgan.

I have suffered with bi polar (looking back) all of my life, but got diagnosed when i was 21, have tried all sorts of medication to try and level me out and when i found the "one" that worked it made me numb to feelings and life and made me put on 8 stone in weight. the dosage had to be upped every 6 months or so as i became immune to the dose. suffering with pain and other symptoms since i was 17, it wasn't till i was 22 i was then diagnosed with fibromyalgia and because i was on bi polar medication the only other thing they could give me was strong pain killers (co codamol ).so for 3 years i wasn't living i was surviving, rarely left the house and when i did i would never go alone, as i would panic and couldn't carry things which made the depression side even worse, any friends i had didn't bother with me any more and was in a very lonely place, a month before i started taking the products (aloe gel, arctic sea and bee pollen) i had occupational therapy round my house kitting me out with things like a kettle tipper because the pain in my wrists meant I couldn’t hold or lift things, sometimes even reading the paper or writing a letter was hard. also things to help me get in and out of the bath and seats so i could do things like ironing and washing up, i was just waiting for them to put hand rails in as I had trouble getting up and down the stairs ( remembering im only 26) ,my ankles would just give way, which meant I walked with a stick , i then got a call from a friend (Chelle Lavery) a friend from years ago, asking did i want to come and see about the business with her, and to be honest i don't no why i went, my mouth just said yea, at the meeting Bernie Allen talked about these products and how they helped her, i thought im gonna get the box just to try the products and did and with a week i noticed a difference with my pain, with the co-codamol i was very constipated and was able to go to the toilet again, and unless you have suffered with constipation i think its hard to understand the (excuse the pun ) relief to be able to go, i actually ran out of my arctic sea for a week and a half and my pain came back so ill definitely not be with out them any more, i now take the royal jelly which helps with my panic attacks and depression, i could write a long list of the products i take now ranging from 30-35 of them but the ones mentioned are the most important for me, oh and the fab for energy boost love it, since i joined in December i have lost 2 stone and am looking forward to losing more. i can now go out on my own, with out the aid of the stick, talk to people, enjoy doing events for my business, now living life i can see a future, so to all this i owe firstly Chelle Lavery my sponsor and the best company out there: FOREVER!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Beat the flu!!

I'm a little bogged down with a cold/flu type thing but thankfully nowhere near as bad as those around me! Fully dosed up on Aloe Gel and smothered in Aloe Heat lotion keeping myself busy getting ready for March. 

I won't be around much during that month but will gladly post the promotions and an exclusive Clean 9 prize draw - you heard it here first! Details of how to enter will be posted on Facebook so like my page to be in with a chance!!

Getting lots of views but not much conversation so I'd like to do a poll!!

Favourite method of dealing with seasonal illness?

Natural remedies (aloe, honey, lemon etc) OR pharmaceutical (lemsip, neurofen, night nurse)??

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Personal use...

Personal Use Products.

So as much as I'm harping on about the benefits of the products I advocate which of them (other than the Clean 9) do I use?
Well when I began my journey as a distributor for Forever I purchased the New Distributor Pack (NDP). This included the Aloe Gel Drink, Aloe Berry Nectar drink, Aloe Jojoba Shampoo, Aloe Jojoba Conditioner, Aloe tooth gel, Aloe deodorant, two supplements (bee pollen and fish oils), Aloe Propolis creme, Aloe Moisturiser, Aloe Gelly, Aloe Heat Lotion, Aloe lips, Aloe Scrub, Aloe Hand Sanitizer and Face and hand soap.

I have already mentioned the Aloe Gel drinks, bee pollen (Clean 9 post) and Aloe Propolis but what of the rest?

  • The Aloe Jojoba shampoo and conditioner are without parabens and silicone so at first felt odd, but as the silicone from previous brands was removed my hair felt fantastic! Not the cheapest shampoo available but with regards to hair care I highly recommend this. You don't need a lot of either so it lasts a good while!!
  • I hate fluoride toothpaste!! I have tried various brands previously but had no idea about this one being available. This Aloe toothgel is great!! My teeth felt smooth all day long! My gum health improved and I felt even better knowing it was free from fluoride!! Really love this product!!
  • Aloe deodorant is without aluminium salts, another pet hate of mine. Commercially sold aluminium free deodorants are pretty steeply priced so in comparison this is well worth the money! I walk for an hour to college during the week and I got severely paranoid about the sweat! This deals with it all! I can honestly say even after the hour walk home I get back and don't reek of raw onions as I have done with standard aluminium based brands.
  • I use the face and hand liquid soap in the shower and the bath. It uses the aloe's saponin to gently clean the skin, rather than harsh chemical soaps which can aggravate ladies' areas - this doesn't so is great for those who are prone to BV and the like. The soap is moisturising too so you don't finish off feeling dry and tight! I use this as a bubble bath and always love watching it clear the dirty water. Sounds odd but its great when you see it for yourself!
  • The Aloe Moisturiser lotion is balanced and non oily so is perfect for my skin type. It contains collagen and elastin which keep my skin feeling firm and the aloe's properties nourish my skin. Despite Forever selling various anti ageing products I will be happy to stick with this one for my daily use!
  • Aloe Gelly is a must have for the first aid kit, it's aloe gelly in its purest form and works well for various issues. Burns, bites, cuts, grazes, acne and so on. I sometimes coat my face with this as I am prone to premenstrual acne.
  • Aloe Heat Lotion is the natural way to help sore muscles. Much like Deep Heat treatments but with the lignin it transports the heating oils deeper rather than just superficially. I have used this for chesty coughs and headaches as well as having given my bottle to friends for those purposes! Its a great all-round bottle of heat lotion so always keep a supply ready - especially for winter times!
  • Aloe Lips is known as the 'Mighty Midget' of our personal use products. Its basically a small handy pack you can use for keeping your mouth soft as well as treating burns stings etc. There is rumour that it treats cold sores effectively too but I can't personally recommend it for that.
  • Aloe scrub, like the other products, is rich and you do not need a lot for your skin care routine. It contains jojoba and leaves your skin feeling lovely afterwards. A definite for my personal skin care collection and highly recommended due to the lack of parabens and harsh chemicals!!
  • The Aloe Hand sanitizer is perfect for medical students like myself. I keep mine in my medical kit! This means I can use it between treatments and avoid any contamination! 
I have trial packs of these products for people to try out no obligation! If you live near me and would like to sample my trial pack for two nights get in touch now!!

All of these products including out personal use product pack (PUPP) are available in my online store!!

Immunity: boosters, reducers and balancers...

So many bugs going around I feel the need to talk about immunity. Various people look to superfoods to boost their immunity. Items such as Acai berries are though to strengthen immunity and assist with colds flus and the like as well as helping with metabolism of foods.

Sounds pretty good doesn't it? It does if you don't suffer with an autoimmune (AI) disorder! 

AI disorders, such as psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), crohns disease, type 1 diabetes and haemolytic anaemia; are where the immune system identifies a part of the body as a pathogen or disturbance and so reacts towards it in that instance and attacks it. If you boost the immunity this can in fact be detrimental to already existing conditions! 

The common error by many is to favour boosters and increase the chances of attacks such as these to take place. 

You will find many who suffer with an AI are already placed on immunosuppressors by their GP's to avoid such attacks. These drugs in turn cause the sufferers to be more prone to illness. Seems a bit hopeless for people with these conditions but from my experience there are answers.

Rather than searching for boosters there are immune balancing foods available!!

At one of my local meetings I was lucky to meet a lady who was diagnosed with RA. Her story was inspirational. She was told by her doctor to invest in a wheelchair and to try and enjoy the rest of her life. How harsh is that?? Luckily like myself and many others she wasn't fatalistic about the prognosis and looked elsewhere!!

She was introduced to the Rolls Royce of aloe vera drinks; Forever Living's Aloe Gel drink - the ONLY aloe vera drink classified as a gel by the Aloe Science Council. Trying this she began to see massive improvements in her wellbeing. So much so she became a distributor for this product, and her doctor also joined the company. If that doesn't say something what does?!
Many claim aloe to boost but its not the case it supports and balances. The amino acids within the leaf's gel provide cellular support for the body as well as the hormones required to chemically message the organs involved in both immunity, homeostasis and overall health.
The polysaccharides are also beneficial for the levels of T- and B- lymphocytes, cytokines, interleukin and Natural Killer Cells, important parts of your immune system that help to fight off illness. 

One other little benefit for those who are here for the diabetes part: it helps to balance blood sugar. Great isn't it?! 
I highly recommend you speak with your GP, Osteopath or Nutritionist before using this though as every person is different!! 

This item is available via my online store! There are three main variations to choose from: 

  • Original - 98% Aloe Vera Gel drink. 
  • Aloe Berry Nectar - Aloe Vera Gel, with added Cranberry and Apple. Easier one palate with increased bladder Support
  • Bits and Peaches - Naturally sweetened, made for children to enjoy!
So you are spoilt for choice!!

If you are on my facebook page you will see this week's offer on all gel drinks, this includes the Forever Freedom drink I have posted about in here.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Bit of a washout :(

Left earlier to make my merry way to college for a pathology class, happily trudging through the rain and made the fatal error of crossing the green. This resulted in me slipping and busting both my left knee and ankle. Luckily a good friend came and saved me! Missed class which upset me but was heart
warming to have someone there when I was injured and covered in mud!

Looking forward to the next week's lay in's!! Half term is a blessing for me with sleep catch up though I respect the fact that those who work away from home are still having to rise early despite this. I send my deepest apologies for your circumstances!!

Probably won't be on much this weekend but I wish you all a delightful Valentine's day and all the best with your partner or future partners to come :)


Whatever the weather...

Network marketing has a number of advantages. At this moment in time I'm sure many of you would LOVE to be at home with an endless supply of tea/coffee hot choccy and even the ability to work in your onesie (or man jammies ha) under a nice warm duvet! I'm sat at home comfortably knowing I can be in complete control of the work I do without worry of being fired nor demoted at any point. 

Sounds a bit too good doesn't it?
I have always loved helping others, not for gain but for the satisfaction of knowing I'm doing some good in the world. Other than helping those with health issues I am now in a position where with my experience I can help others with their income and debts. I have to be relatively selective with this though which is one thing I will learn in time. I am incredibly lucky to have great uplines who give me their time and knowledge to by pass the learning curve with ease but for me I try to give everyone a fighting chance. Might be a tad soft in terms of training people but as said I'll learn from my own mistakes!

If you are on facebook I have recently set up a group for those in London and Surrey who may find this line of work as satisfying as I do. Heres the link: 

Have a look at the posts so far and see what you like about it. If you like helping others as I do then this line of work is for you!

Sadly I won't be sat indoors all day a I have a class at 1pm so have a delightful hours walk in the rain each way. But until then I shall hug my cup of tea and pray the weather clears before I leave!!


Thursday, February 13, 2014

End of a great day!

In spite of being incredibly quiet on here I have still been out and about enjoying helping people, those I know as well as new. Today I was greeted with some fantastic feedback on one of our specialist products, the Forever Freedom gel drink. It is days like this I love what I do!!

I have been an osteopathic medicine student for three years now, always looking for natural or alternative methods to improving health and wellness. I have leaned a lot from my degree and have made a number of changes to my own life as a result.
My natural alternative work with Forever Living compliments the degree amazingly well. As the old saying goes "you are what you eat" but in reality you are what you absorb and with bad gut health you end up with poor nutritional absorption, which results in malnourishment and various physiological issues which become physical issues later on.

Having become an aloe drinker myself I can safely say I have noticed the difference in various aspects of my life but as a seller it would be wrong of me to harp on about it, doesn't seem feasible nor believable from the person who distributes the products does it?

Reviews and testimonials are what gets people to try a different approach not hard sales ha!!

With public faith being lost in allopathic GP's and pharmaceuticals a lot more are looking at 
other ways to improve their standard of life. Its almost like a medical revolution!!

I would LOVE to hear about your results from non conventional treatments. Have you tried naturopathy? How about herbalism? Or Acupuncture? How did you feel during the treatment? Did it help or worsen your situation? Would You recommend it? Would you use it again? 

Comment below if you have any stories to share!

Belated New Year greetings & Clean 9 review!!

Happy new year all!! Please forgive my absence! Sadly by trying to swap provider I ended up returning to our original after being left with no internet for over a month!!

This year has been remarkably busy for me products wise thanks to a kick start in weight loss. I tried one of our best selling products the Clean 9 in late January so I can give you a full testimonial on how I personally found this body cleanse system.

So... this week's top product is the Clean 9 body cleanse system!!

This easy-to-follow 9-day program will kick start your weight loss. Forever Clean 9 is designed to cleanse your body of unnatural chemicals. All you need is the desire and motivation to follow this programme, along with light to moderate exercise and Clean 9 will provide the tools you require for effective results in a healthy, natural way. By staying committed it shows you how to live your life free from up and down dieting, which is all to familiar. 

This product is formulated by doctors AND dietitians so there is no yo-yo dieting!!

What does the Clean 9 come with?
The pack includes:

  • 3 litres of Aloe Vera Gel drink 
  • 1 can of Forever Lite Ultra Vanilla with Aminotein
  • 1 bottle of Forever Bee Pollen tablets (100)
  • 1 bottle of Forever Garcenia Plus tablets (70 softgels)
  • Forever shaker bottle with storage for Lite Ultra and tablets
  • Tape measure
  • An easy to follow step by step guide to Clean 9.
Why do I love it?
Having seen so many testimonials on this product I had to try it for myself. Rumours of losing up to 12 pounds in 9 days peaked my curiosity and despite me not being strict I was able to still lose 8.8 pounds in 9 days!

The first two days can be tricky especially if you have a voracious appetite like myself but I can assure you all that this cleanse program is worth its weight in gold!!

What next?
You can continue the weight loss by using the Nutrilean program or another balanced diet. 

My testimonial:
Having done this I can honestly say its brilliant! My energy levels have sky rocketed and I am now attending a gym three times a week to support the continued weight loss and health kick I wanted for 2014!
I aim to use this more often to ensure that the chemicals I am exposed to from the delights of modern day living can be kept to a minimum.
I wouldn't recommend this for anyone who is pregnant or breastfeeding and I would advise anybody who is on regular medication for heart or gastrointestinal issues to consult a physician before starting.

This product can be bought via my online store!! 

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