Friday, February 14, 2014

Whatever the weather...

Network marketing has a number of advantages. At this moment in time I'm sure many of you would LOVE to be at home with an endless supply of tea/coffee hot choccy and even the ability to work in your onesie (or man jammies ha) under a nice warm duvet! I'm sat at home comfortably knowing I can be in complete control of the work I do without worry of being fired nor demoted at any point. 

Sounds a bit too good doesn't it?
I have always loved helping others, not for gain but for the satisfaction of knowing I'm doing some good in the world. Other than helping those with health issues I am now in a position where with my experience I can help others with their income and debts. I have to be relatively selective with this though which is one thing I will learn in time. I am incredibly lucky to have great uplines who give me their time and knowledge to by pass the learning curve with ease but for me I try to give everyone a fighting chance. Might be a tad soft in terms of training people but as said I'll learn from my own mistakes!

If you are on facebook I have recently set up a group for those in London and Surrey who may find this line of work as satisfying as I do. Heres the link: 

Have a look at the posts so far and see what you like about it. If you like helping others as I do then this line of work is for you!

Sadly I won't be sat indoors all day a I have a class at 1pm so have a delightful hours walk in the rain each way. But until then I shall hug my cup of tea and pray the weather clears before I leave!!


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