Saturday, February 15, 2014

Immunity: boosters, reducers and balancers...

So many bugs going around I feel the need to talk about immunity. Various people look to superfoods to boost their immunity. Items such as Acai berries are though to strengthen immunity and assist with colds flus and the like as well as helping with metabolism of foods.

Sounds pretty good doesn't it? It does if you don't suffer with an autoimmune (AI) disorder! 

AI disorders, such as psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), crohns disease, type 1 diabetes and haemolytic anaemia; are where the immune system identifies a part of the body as a pathogen or disturbance and so reacts towards it in that instance and attacks it. If you boost the immunity this can in fact be detrimental to already existing conditions! 

The common error by many is to favour boosters and increase the chances of attacks such as these to take place. 

You will find many who suffer with an AI are already placed on immunosuppressors by their GP's to avoid such attacks. These drugs in turn cause the sufferers to be more prone to illness. Seems a bit hopeless for people with these conditions but from my experience there are answers.

Rather than searching for boosters there are immune balancing foods available!!

At one of my local meetings I was lucky to meet a lady who was diagnosed with RA. Her story was inspirational. She was told by her doctor to invest in a wheelchair and to try and enjoy the rest of her life. How harsh is that?? Luckily like myself and many others she wasn't fatalistic about the prognosis and looked elsewhere!!

She was introduced to the Rolls Royce of aloe vera drinks; Forever Living's Aloe Gel drink - the ONLY aloe vera drink classified as a gel by the Aloe Science Council. Trying this she began to see massive improvements in her wellbeing. So much so she became a distributor for this product, and her doctor also joined the company. If that doesn't say something what does?!
Many claim aloe to boost but its not the case it supports and balances. The amino acids within the leaf's gel provide cellular support for the body as well as the hormones required to chemically message the organs involved in both immunity, homeostasis and overall health.
The polysaccharides are also beneficial for the levels of T- and B- lymphocytes, cytokines, interleukin and Natural Killer Cells, important parts of your immune system that help to fight off illness. 

One other little benefit for those who are here for the diabetes part: it helps to balance blood sugar. Great isn't it?! 
I highly recommend you speak with your GP, Osteopath or Nutritionist before using this though as every person is different!! 

This item is available via my online store! There are three main variations to choose from: 

  • Original - 98% Aloe Vera Gel drink. 
  • Aloe Berry Nectar - Aloe Vera Gel, with added Cranberry and Apple. Easier one palate with increased bladder Support
  • Bits and Peaches - Naturally sweetened, made for children to enjoy!
So you are spoilt for choice!!

If you are on my facebook page you will see this week's offer on all gel drinks, this includes the Forever Freedom drink I have posted about in here.

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